VMware Fusion 11.5.0 Release Notes specifies minimum hardware requirements from 2011 forward (with a couple of exceptions) AND MacOS 10.13 High Sierra or newer. But then comes this odd mix of uncertainty: They often have combinations of hardware dates and OS version requirements, which can in itself be an interesting matrix to navigate.

VMware does a terrible job of specifying exactly their system requirements in each release. #1653: Apple Music Classical review, Authory service for writers, WWDC 2023 dates announced.1654: Urgent OS security updates, upgrading to macOS 13 Ventura, using smart speakers while temporarily blind.#1655: 33 years of TidBITS, Twitter train wreck, tvOS 16.4.1, Apple Card Savings, Steve Jobs ebook.#1656: Passcode thieves lock iCloud accounts, the apps Adam uses, iPhoto and Aperture library conversion in Ventura.#1657: A deep dive into the innovative Arc Web browser.